Our Creed (Faith) Entails our Deeds

Our Creed (Faith) Entails our Deed Our Christian faith is a gift of God that strengthens us in Christ individually and collectively. The same faith leads one to cherish personally and share this gratuitous gift with the others in the community. For this common cause the Catholic Church disposes the Liturgy in which the faith is celebrated and shared individually and collectively. As a result, faith becomes a profound belief in the Risen Christ whom we encounter in the event of the Eucharist, as person of Christ himself who humbled down to the simple form of Bread and Wine that we share in communion. Thus, faith is both a personal act that needs to be lived and communicated to the world at large. This is very tangible in the words of St Paul (2 Tim 1: 12) “I know Him in whom I have believed.” There was a story of a peasant which heard in my early childhood, which I feel wroth sharing with you now. He was a poor peasant lived in a small village. But it was interesting that h...