Christ is Our Hope...(Resurrection)

It's been a long for Christians who were fasting, praying and doing a lot of charitable acts during these 40 days of the Lent. For sure Easter is not the day to stop doing such good and kind acts. These acts are meritorious when done with an inner aptitude of love for God and for humanity. For it is the love of God that compels us do love the neighbour without any expectation. That is exactly what Jesus did on the Good Friday. Therefore, Easter is the continued fruit/merit of the sacrifice on Good Friday. Therefore, the sacrifice of Christ's life on Good Friday receives its ultimate reward on Easter Sunday. I believe, life on earth is perfectly imperfect. The time is the witness of this imperfect life. If birth is the beginning of life death is not the end of life; for death is only part of this imperfection. So, this perfect imperfection needs to be bridged by the divine imperfect reality. For, it is Christ who indeed incarnated into this imperfect reality; because His orig...