Work entails Maturity

Mahatma Gandhi, the father of India once said "Work is worship." Well said is half done and so this saying has been quoted almost by every secular author in their books. Don Bosco, the saint of the young said " Labore, Labore and Labore ," meaning work, work and work. Whatever be the context but the word WORK speaks much about the work itself. Perhaps why another Greek Ancient writer Euripides said "Work begets maturity." Therefore, the fruit of your hard work is to work more. Strange but true. Work, therefore is not merely a physical or workaholic action rather is a disposition and an attitude. If we do not strive to cultivate this virtue the fate surely drives us down. Instead if work becomes our disposition, our attitude and our culture, then be sure sky is the limit for your success. Thus, no vice can get you down, because you become the trend setter of this new work-ethic and the ambassador of work-culture.