A Student Laments over...(A to Z)

A las! B itter tale is mine. C omes to my mind like an unceasing sunrise and D rives me into depression and dejection. E ventides are filled with assignments galore. F requent trials of text-familiarity tests add on to my grief. G riever, I have become more grievers my associates turned. H ighlighting, again and again, the highlights of the Bible text, I nch is not left without colouring the page. J ust how contrast to my day; colourless and lifeless. Knowledge of the scripture I sought to master L amentations unending is what I fetched and M ourning and in misery, I sink deep. N ineveh, the old destroyed city O h! What a similar pathetic state we both have P arched for comfort and longing for consolation. Q uestionable life is mine, is it worth treading? R ender your answer, O Lord, and restore my soul. S ilence, my dearest soul, loose not your hope T rust in Lord, take time to test your motives U nwrap your true self, strive for the truth ...