Bible gives a beautiful expression to understand God’s goodness and greatness. Bible summarises saying LOVE is God and God is Love. I am sure you will agree with me and with the Psalmist who exclaims God is everything, the Alpha and the Omega . Down the history we see saints and sages living such an austere life just as an expression of their gratitude to God. Theologically we know God’s limitlessness, omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence. All these three attributes of God are extension of God’s goodness. It is said that when we share the joy doubles. That is exactly what I feel about the generosity of God. All that we enjoy and cherish are not because we deserve, but by His sheer love, mercy and grace. The difference between the generosity of Divine and the human is immense. For, God gives us all that we need before we ask and in return he doesn’t expect anything from us unlike human generosity. Be it a mother, father, teacher or any social worker, everything is centred on...