Two Wolves in Our Heart

There is a great story of the ancient legend. Of late I was watching a movie Pathfinder, where I came across this same story being told by the actress to the hero. It is said that in everyone's heart there are always two wolves constantly fighting. One is HATE and the other is LOVE. If so, Who will win? The one that you feed the most, is the spontaneous answer given to the hero. Yes from dawn to dusk we project these two wolves through our words, deeds and intentions. I was thrilled by this wonderful story and began to reflect upon my life over the years; how about my life? and which one I am feeding the most. Dear friendz let's be aware of the zoo of our heart where there are two wolves being inhabited. Let's feed the wolf of Love and thus become loving people and caring people. This is all about life where we make our life meaningful to self and the rest.