Religious Life and Secular World
Religious Life is a friend to the Secular World. It is not at all an enemy to it. Very often we think dat Secular world is an enemy. It is not because only in religious Life we have fulfilment of vocation that we all choose and live. Therefore to make our vocation as a gift we need to live in this world. Down the history we have many individuals who set their life as great examples. Religious life will bear its fruit in hundredfold and two hundredfold only in the world. Therefore, it is not ideal to dispose the world and uphold the other world/heaven. What makes religious life more outstanding is that its simplicity and charity. Because Religious life demands to live by poverty, obedience and chastity. Well it is not enough; this life is all about daily living. Because everyday and every activity is simple yet with great care and love. All through our life expected to live with love. Because love bears all things and embraces all things. Most interestingly in religious life it...