Ludwig Wittgenstein: A Linguistic Horizon

“What is the intention or aim in your philosophy? – To show the fly the way out of the fly-bottle.” To put you into Context : Ancient Western Philosophers were so conceptual and metaphysical that they concentrated on the primordial matter and substantial form. Thus they insisted only on conceptual knowledge, and failed to clarify the problems of daily life. They had different theories on language with regard to words, sentences and reality. Contrastingly, Wittgenstein initiated the notion of language games that endowed with rules, norms and principles for the better use of language as a tool in meaningful communication. The aim of his philosophy is to find linguistic expression meaningfully. Incarnation: Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein was born Vienna, Austria on 26 th April, 1889 in a well to do family as the youngest of five brothers and three sisters; parents were Karl Wittgenstein a Jewish industrialist and mother Leopoldine Kalmus, a Catholic woman. As a boy he...