Sorry! Dear Future Generations...!

We belong to earth and earth does not belong to us. My kind thoughts on mother earth, my humble pronounce to you... The almighty had a dream to create a beautiful palace in the cosmos; the thoughts blossomed, it was self a revolving beauty with mighty oceans, blue skies, green trees, long rivers, huge mountains, wonderful creatures and human beings the most significant one. As we know this from the book of Genesis that God created everything and human being as the crown of creation. But something has gone wrong... We used EARTH as a credit card with no spending limit. As a result, the beautiful Pandas, the Penguins, the Polar bears and the African Tigers are gradually getting extinct. Do you know why paddy fields are turned into stadiums, forests into factories and hills into leveled grounds....for this Money? Besides, our development is a disguise and our progress is a mask. I AM SORRY to tell you that we are gone wrong by cutting do...