Sorry! Dear Future Generations...!

We belong to earth and earth does not belong to us. My kind thoughts on mother earth, my humble pronounce to you...
The almighty had a dream to create a beautiful palace in the cosmos; the thoughts blossomed, it was self a revolving beauty with mighty oceans, blue skies, green trees, long rivers, huge mountains, wonderful creatures and human beings the most significant one. As we know this from the book of Genesis that God created everything and human being as the crown of creation. But something has gone wrong...  

We used EARTH as a credit card with no spending limit. As a result, the beautiful Pandas, the Penguins, the Polar bears and the African Tigers are gradually getting extinct.
Do you know why paddy fields are turned into stadiums, forests into factories and hills into leveled grounds....for this Money?  
Besides, our development is a disguise and our progress is a mask. 
I AM SORRY to tell you that we are gone wrong by cutting down the trees at the rate of 40 football fields every minute; that 50% of all the trees on earth are gone in the last 100 years. DO YOU KNOW WHY?...for this  Money?      
What we can say to future generations...  
Dear future generations, I make this speech for the rest of us and say SORRY...
SORRY, we left you with a mess of a planet...
SORRY, we listened to people who made excuses to do nothing...
I hope you forgive us for the fact that we did not know how special the earth was, is and will be is a doubt.

I am sure the fact that how our fore-fathers were so much concerned about the mother earth, trees and water. They felt that it was their responsibility to preserve earth and her bounty for the next 7 generations. I am surprised about the magnificent fact that even the Bamboo once sprouted, lives for coming 7 generations if protected and cared.  
I AM SORRY that we put Profit above People, Greed above Need and Pleasure above Protection.
I AM SORRY we poison our oceans, we strip our forests bare, and we pollute our air.  
I AM SORRY that we have paid so much of attention to the ISIS and very little perhaps to the fact that ICEis melting in the Arctic.
At this juncture if you don’t think that this climate change is a threat for you and for the 7 generations to come I DARE, You and I are responsible for sad future.  
...No matter how many International Conferences held, no matter how many Lau da tosis come out and no matter how many environmental days celebrated but if we do not act on...then soon we are all condemned to doom shattering the 7 billion dreams.
To betray nature is to betray our future generations, to save Nature is to save our future generations; whatever we are fighting for be it racism, communal-ism, poverty or terrorism or any type of adversity, it won’t matter in the list if we don’t work together and act responsibly to save the mother earth. If not we will be responsible making our future generations orphans and along with them perhaps we will be equally extinct.
A wise man once said when the rivers are dried up and the trees are cut down man then will realize that he will not be able to eat money. So what can we normal people do about it...forget it, ignore it no let us not be indifferent to this. Let us stand for the trees because by this we not only save the lives of the trees but we can balance the environment. Thus you and I become the part of the solution not the problem.
Shakespeare: We build our future bot by looking at the stars but Today.
Gandhi: There is enough and more for every one's need and not for everyone's greed. 
Blaise Paschal: This is the best possible world that God could ever create.

Pope King Michael Jackson Legendary song: lyrics (make it a better place for you and for me and for the entire human race for the generations to come). 

Thank you...


  1. congratulations....the first runner up...grow, be enlightend to enlight was super..praise God

  2. congratulations....the first runner up...grow, be enlightend to enlight was super..praise God


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