Discernment: A Way Forward for You/th...
We don’t see things as they are. We see things as we are. It is one’s attitude towards life and reality that makes the individual growing or dwindling. Today, we have examples of individuals who grew from tiny to giants and from giants to pathetic. What makes the difference is disposition/attitude/discernment. Bible is full of such examples. Young people are immensely blessed by God’s choicest blessings. Some young people become pro-active and productive in life and others become over-active and yet unproductive. The difference between the two cases is the distance and discernment. Yes the former is close to God in prayer and discernment and the latter is distanced from God and worse still no prayer and no discernment. Dear young friends in Christ, our God never abandons us; he is always there to help, provided we allow him to transform us, like the blind man who cried out “Jesus son of David have mercy on me.” Lk 18: 38. God surprises us provided we...