Class Room Comic...

Today we had a Seminar Class on the Letter to the Collossians. One of the students was presenting his paper, the class was rather serious. After the presentation of the theme there was time for discussion, debate and clarification. The class was rather hot and debatable. Many students questioned the person concerned and clarified a lot of doubts. As usual there were a couple of students who acted smart and kept quite and looked wise. Noticing this the teacher asked them if any question two can ask. One of them raised voice and dared to ask. Other students were lost as if another serious doubt would be asked. But to our surprise that so called smart student said, "a small correction, that there are two capital letters in word. It is good if there is only one capital letter." I could bot but laugh hearing this mystical doubt or a question....difficult to term. But to my surprise the other students were equally in the clouds lost in the heat of the day. After the class, I poi...