Beyond Tit for Tat...

"God forgives but nature will never forgive." Bec God is not a principle, not a law (natural law), not a system (barter system, where we exchange goods for goods), God is Mysterious LOVE. Therefore as God's children our christian life invites to live beyond laws, principles and systems. This is what we call going extra mile. And living Virtuous over being good. Bec, our life is beyond tit for tat, where we experience God's love as He embraces equally despite our differences and vulnerabilities. Bec, God cannot but love us; for He is love itself. This does not mean that he is conditioned by His love for us? No not at all. Bec, our minds are too small to grasp this profound truth. The point is that we are called to transcend from our limited level of eros to philia and from there to Agape level where we become complete. For we are called to go beyond tit for tat. At this level we begin to respect the individuals as they are rather than l...