“ your light we see light.” Ps. 36:9 We are reminded in the scriptures that God created human beings to choose life. And Jesus says that, I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full. Jn.10:10. But we humans at times because of sin, our hearts are shadowed by darkness and we prefer darkness to the light because our deeds are evil. And indeed, everybody who does wrong hates the light and avoids it, Jn. 3:19 -20. Thus we become objects to the evil forces of the world i.e., fashion, luxury, pleasures, knowledge, power and individualism. Unfortunately we are after all these things of the world and search relentlessly in life. Human beings are ever in search of something in life. That is why in Genesis we see our first parents wandering around and searching. Likewise, our heart is ever in search of something; perhaps this search b...