Homily on Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday)

Readings: Ps 118: Act. 4: 32-35; 1 Jo. 5:1-6; Jn. 20:19-31 Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, in this second Sunday of Easter, the mother church invites us to understand God’s immense love for us. As a response to God’s love manifested in His only son the three readings help us to reflect on God’s mercy. As his faithful children we therefore are encouraged to thank him and praise him for his goodness. In fact the Responsorial Psalm invites us to give thanks to the Lord for he is good and for his love has no end . The gospel reading continues to explain to us about the immense love of Jesus; even when his own frightened to speak for him, afraid to stand for him and lacked faith to witness to him and secured themselves in the closed doors instead of overcoming trials and tribulations. Like the apostles we do face a lot of difficulties, doubts and uncertainties. It is at this situation the Lord intervenes and strengthens us through his Holy Spi...