"Death Rather than Sin..."St Dominic Savio

He was committed to his motto “Death Rather than Sin” and made a pledge of faith “Jesus and Mary shall be my friends.” In this light of faith and grace he was guided by Don Bosco another spiritual giant of the times. Thus Dominic Savio proved the world that sanctity is not monopoly of the sages and monks. Sanctity and holiness can be achieved by anybody provided we are guided by the Holy Spirit and assisted by the enlightened elders. Be it teenagers, youngsters or children all can reach to the heights of holiness and sanctity, for which Dominic Savio is a perfect example of such holy living. Dominic Savio, a 14 year old lad manifested holiness in his short span of life. All his virtuous life is rooted in his upbringing in a devout family. In such conducive family atmosphere and accompanied by devout parents - the result of this holy family is a saint among us today. He was brought up in a Family that was cradle of love and charity. He was abundantly blessed to live amon...