Picnic to Mawling Bnga...
Neither Sun nor rain can stop us... neither Thunder nor Lightening can scare us... neither Hot nor cold can block us... Neither Wind nor Breeze can slow our speed... for; We are on a move to Bawling Bnga and Marcedez is our PICNIC Gaadi (Bus). Sky is the Limit for our Joy... Yes it is our pleasure beyond measure to set out for course picnic. We are thirteen in number and our bus has thirty seats; two seats per head. One seat was old the other is torn however both were dark...(perhaps not washed since it was bought). All the same nothing could measure our joy of being together and journeying together. The journey was like the spider making it's web not knowing when to complete the task; we enjoyed the journey despite the narrow road. Singing and dancing, shouting and screaming, laughing and looking and at times sleeping. Yes a couples of us were the center of the show acting, enacting and imitation our professors and cracking jokes about their manarisms while teaching ...