All of us who believe Jesus as the savior and redeemer can raise with one voice echoing that Jesus is truly Son of God. Well, it is very nice and easy for us to utter that Jesus is our Lord. But, let me ask you what exactly is FAITH? Off late I have experienced how difficult it is/was to define what Faith is. However, the probable answers could be Faith is what I believe, Faith is what the Church teaches, Faith as what my fore-fathers believed and handed down to us etc., I would like to give an explanation about what faith is. Faith is first and foremost a gift of God, as we learn from our catechism. When it is a gift, it is free and benevolent. Now you might ask me a question saying, do we deserve this gift? My answer would be No. We do not deserve the gift of Faith. Because we have no reasons to take on our credit for the gift of faith. In fact we have lost the loving relationship with God as existed between God our first parents before the original sin. Yet, t...