OUR GOD IS THE GOD OF HISTORY ... Introduction God is the power and wisdom manifested in the human history and the world created. Thus God is revealed in the salvation history significantly by the prophets and through the prophets. This wisdom and the power is understood and comprehended by the human beings in the given situation. Thus God has plan for human beings even before we were born. The purpose behind this plan and power is that we find his plan and obey his will. Perhaps this is what we call discovering the divine vocation. God’s love and message for us humans is that he never abandons us despite human predicament. This is called in Latin Mysterium Iniquitas meaning the mystery of evil. In this context freedom is God’s choicest blessing to us by which we have the capacity to transcend that evil by God’s grace, help and mercy. Thus God’s presence is pervading everywhere in the form of wisdom, power and love. Thus one of the patriarchal promises of Yahweh is stil...