"Death Rather than Sin..."St Dominic Savio

He was committed to his motto “Death Rather than Sin” and made a pledge of faith “Jesus and Mary shall be my friends.” In this light of faith and grace he was guided by Don Bosco another spiritual giant of the times. Thus Dominic Savio proved the world that sanctity is not monopoly of the sages and monks. Sanctity and holiness can be achieved by anybody provided we are guided by the Holy Spirit and assisted by the enlightened elders. Be it teenagers, youngsters or children all can reach to the heights of holiness and sanctity, for which Dominic Savio is a perfect example of such holy living.  

Dominic Savio, a 14 year old lad manifested holiness in his short span of life. All his virtuous life is rooted in his upbringing in a devout family. In such conducive family atmosphere and accompanied by devout parents - the result of this holy family is a saint among us today. He was brought up in a Family that was cradle of love and charity. He was abundantly blessed to live among the Parents who feared God and the family that trusted God’s providential care and the atmosphere where God’s love pervaded. Thus his parents left a lasting legacy of virtues in his childhood and later in the Oratory he was astounded by the holiness of Don Bosco. Thus from being sown in a fertile soil of a devout family, sprouted in the Oratory of Don Bosco and today he is bearing fruit in the Garden of the Mother Church as a saint leaving a legacy of “Death Rather than sin” and the pledge that “Jesus and Mary shall be my friends.”

He is an example of young people, how even amidst social problems, poverty stricken family and a humble background yet one can change one’s life and transform into sainthood. Such was holiness; he fainted when he heard bad words and departed from evil and embraced penance and thus he liked to mortify himself to be holy. But then by the providence of he entered Oratory of Don Bsco where he was told that “Don Bosco was a tailor who makes garments for God in a unique way. Perhaps that was the moment when the two saints had encounter with each other and began to appreciate and admire mutually. Don Bosco knew that Dominic Savio was a treasure and so he guided him with a new method of sanctity i.e., doing small things in a big way. Thus Dominic Savio learnt to do small things in an extraordinary way marking cheerfulness in all that he did. Thus the cheerfulness as an eleventh commandment of the Salesians became popular.

Dominic Savio hence was an example of Don Bosco’s mind. He in a way personified the holiness of Don Bosco himself who tailored him and made a beautiful garment for God. Don Bocso became a channel and an instrument in making a young lad into a saint.

For the youth of today who are prone to every form of evil in the society in the form of drugs, alcoholism, peer-pressure and discouragement and failure in life etc., Dominic Savio is an example to imitate and learn from him to face life believing in God’s grace and will despite, sickness, failure, poverty and misunderstanding. Above all we imitate his methods of friendship with God, willingness to obey God’s will and openness to spiritual direction which were the guiding steps that led him to the road of sainthood.   


You did small things cheerfully in an extraordinary way...


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