Discernment: A Way Forward for You/th...
We don’t see
things as they are. We see things as we are. It is one’s attitude towards life
and reality that makes the individual growing or dwindling. Today, we have
examples of individuals who grew from tiny to giants and from giants to
pathetic. What makes the difference is disposition/attitude/discernment. Bible
is full of such examples. Young people are immensely blessed by God’s choicest
blessings. Some young people become pro-active and productive in life and others
become over-active and yet unproductive. The difference between the two cases
is the distance and discernment. Yes the former is close to God in prayer and
discernment and the latter is distanced from God and worse still no prayer and
no discernment. Dear young friends in Christ, our God never abandons us; he is always
there to help, provided we allow him to transform us, like the blind man who
cried out “Jesus son of David have mercy on me.” Lk 18: 38.
discernment we do not centre our self, but Christ. Yes, Christ is the centre in
our life. By centring Christ in our life, we avoid the risk of getting self
absorbed and self-sufficient. Always we have got to put before us greater God.
The Church exhorts us to offer the whole person and our hard work before God the
universal potter. It is he who designs us and shapes our present, moulds our future and
corrects our past. As a good mud, we need to dispose our entire self
before the universal saviour who makes good pots out of mud. Jer 18:6. Therefore, Discernment in
life is essential precisely because when we speak and express too much, we run
the risk of being misunderstood or misled by our own self appealing. We can
form our heart, mind and conscience only by sincere discernment; St Theresa of
Avila, St Mother Theresa and St John Paul II are models before us. They did not
lose the sight of Christ in life, but had Christ as the centre of their life.
This requires much humility, sacrifice and courage, especially at times of
humiliation and shame. At this difficult time the only way out and way forward
is Prayer. In prayer and meditation one understands that it is not we choose
God but it is God who is waiting to embrace and encounter, no matter what
invades us down. Thus, discernment is intrinsically linked to prayer and
introspection. By this practice one draws oneself to God himself. This is how
God goes beyond our thinking to save us. Discernment is always a disposition by
which one glorifies God’s magnanimity and gratuitousness. It is an inward
attitude that drives us to be inwardly open to dialogue, to encounter and to
find God. In this genuine search, one does not fear shame or defeat instead
with the help of God’s grace he/she rises high above fear and shame. We have got to pray and discern for God. In
prayer we enter into a dynamic of discernment that opens future before us. By
this spiritual training God communicates his will through these internal
movements. In this context Pope Benedict XVI is one of the best examples who
heart and responded to the inner voice of God through his reflected
resignation. By this he did an act of courage and humility. From where did he
draw strength to make such a surprising decision? Well, the answer is prayer
and discernment. It is the discernment that helped him to give way to the new
leadership in the Church.
saints, let us discern in life through prayer and introspection by which we
understand the lowliness of our self and loveliness of God. The beauty of
confession makes us understand this reality of God and not the Sin but the
sinner. God sees not our sin but his own Child, born in his image and likeness.
Therefore, to walk like Mother Mary who said Yes to God and Mother Theresa who
made her discernment well and as a result, she is called as the saint of the
gutters and Pope Benedict the XVI who surprised the Church with this profound
discernment and today Pope Francis who is continuing to surprise the world by
his prayer and discernment in his speech and writing. In their example and
inspiration let us also strive to Walk
in the light of God, Build our life in
Christ and Confess to Jesus the
saviour of the world. This is all possible only through discernment that opens
our inner eyes to God who surprises us. Rom
this post-modern and highly advanced culture the Church is feeling with the
heart of a mother for her son or daughter. Therefore, the church decided to
discuss about the young people and discernment in the 2018 synod. When the
young people listen to the voice of their parents, teachers and elders for sure
they will have a way forward. By this integrated way of life one shuns sinful
habits and begins to grow like St Mother Theresa and St John Paul II. Thus, in
light and the example of the holy family You/th
begin to spread the ripples of Christian love. Therefore, Discernment is an
essential element in every young and promising child of God. Thus young people grow
like Child Jesus, in wisdom and stature.
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