Today (nowadeiz) we see the two spectrums of perspectives about truth and reality. This is a constant flux where the youth drift or float...depends on their stand and conviction. This once again confirms the ground of Chinese philosophical spectrum about reality. bUt by this what is happening to the human values and meaningfulness of life? Yes dat is what I am concerned about. Let me hit the nail on the head. By the forces of this global, multicultural and postmodern trend I feel dat we are drifting by the current rather than floating on move. This is vividly manifested as it unveils the sense of Despair and Hopelessness. In the subtle trend meaningless is creeped into the lives of the people. We lack joy, peace, love and forget even to smile. Therefore we become impotent like the stray and rust. Our potentialities and possibilities get blurred and become blunt. Thus, unfortunately we lack sense of GOD and sense of the Other and Self itself.
As we are caught up and blinded by the current forces of the materialistic world; Jesus offers a new way out. He invites us all to his mantle of gentleness and kindness. How wonderful to feel his presence and how delightful to experience his love and affection. Thus he always welcomes to build up a sense of God that enables us to have access to the sense of TRANSCENDENCE. His way out ever contrasts to the way in of the world. His love opens our senses to attune to his passionate love for us. Therefore we long for his love. Hence, we need and ought to cultivate dis wonderful attitude of sense of God. As good men and women and as religious specially, striving for this way is our task in all that we do, should be our only aim for life. Likewise we become men of God as we have the access to the transcendence while we rare on earth.
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