That is exactly
what we here in Genesis; God created everything and made us as the crown of
Friends, given the question who is God for me, I
would answer; our God is gratuitous and benevolent God. For, without His generosity
I believe I am nothing. Each moment of my life is of his sheer generosity. I
would like to express His generosity in terms of Mercy, Love and Providence.
Mother Theresa, the saint of the poor says, “yesterday was his Mercy, Today is
his Love and tomorrow will be his Providence.” Thus we completely depend on the
benevolence of God. Mother Mary is the best example as she signs the Maginficat
raising her voice saying “my soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in
God my saviour.” King David sang Psalms and danced out of joy and gratitude to
God for the wonders done in his life.
God’s magnanimity is so great that nothing goes
unnoticed from his sight; not even the microscopic creatures. The creator is
ever kind and generous although his creatures are forgetful and ungrateful
despite making us the agents and the crown of creation. Dear friends at this
juncture, my humble exhortation is to have the heart of mother Mary, St Francis
of Assisi and Mother Theresa to raise our voice to sing Maginificat through our
deeds and words. Thus we can join with his master pieces; flowers, trees, mountains,
rivers, animals, sky and the earth including our fellow brothers and sisters
thanking God for the wonders we see. Thus we make the age old slogan “Think
green and live green” a reality.
Jesus himself sets a beautiful example as he was
humble and grateful from womb to the tomb. “Learn from me for I am humble and
gentle” are the golden words of Jesus and his prayer ‘Our Father’ is the joyful
invitation to thank God at every moment of our life. Thus we make our life
meaningful to us and to the others as we live our mission glorifying God’s
goodness. St Irenius says, ‘Man/Woman who is fully alive is the glory of God.’
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