CHANGE: That Leads to Godlessness in Youth…

At the time of Jesus, the people sought for signs from God to understand the second coming of the savior. Paradoxically today’s generation seems to be looking for miracles to believe in God. This tendency postulates the absence of faith and presence of godlessness attitude. I wish I am wrong in making this premise. Of late I was shocked when a couple of graduate students told me that they do not believe in God. I was shocked not because they do not believe in God but what would be their reason to say this, despite years of formation and seminary life. I really wonder whether they understood what they said. Perhaps the change of times and the change of cultures and change of belief systems could have influenced them. Let us not forget the fact that there is nothing certain except the change itself. Yes change is the only certainty. So it is the change that influences the mind of the young today. The speed of change is tremendous. Just to put you in context……Years ago th...