Life is Precious Gift to All

Yes i make this statement with all my understandings and with all my little rich experiences of my life. Life is precisely precious and is pure gift of love of God. In this precious gift of life filled with love and laughter is amazing and is also fantabulistic. Many people in life usually want to become somebody else forgoing what they are and more specially the uniqueness of their self. My dear friends you we are indeed the manifestation of God's love. What is God after all? is the very random question pose by the youth of this era. Well God is Love and the Love is God. Hence we are indeed God's loving people. St Paul stresses this in his letters similarly saying  that "We are the temple of the holy spirit." Now my question is if this is so, why  then  this disharmony with one another. Let me strike this point from different angle. No animal on this planet will kill it's own. Even they don't even attack the other animal for no reason, unless hungry or for protection. But what about the human kind. why do we kill each other? why are we scared of the other? (as in philosophical terms the other is my hell.) 
dear friends you all agree with me to say that your life is precious and even much more. But what about the life of the other. Aren't they have the pain and the feeling. Don't they have liberty live as you have.
Here I am posing the question for the entire human kind do make time to think about this phenomenological and most radical question. 
as conclusion what i would like to draw home is that let us stop the disharmony in the name of our joy and our  life and denying the life of the other. The other indeed is the manifestation of love of God brought into your life to enrich you more and to give meaning to your life. And you on the other hand enrich the other with all your capabilities and your talents. If this is the understanding of the humankind  the earth is the best and most beautiful abode of God's love that we can ever think of.

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