No faer!  I has no thumz!            I am deeply captured by the common phenomena of our life namely ‘Fear’. Well, to begin with what exactly is fear? Many of us think that fear has always a negative connotation but, if we are sharp enough and examine this phenomena, has very positive outlook as well. You might wonder what I am talking all about. According to French political philosopher there are two principles which govern the human life namely LOVE and FEAR. Of the two, Fear is more pervasive factor in human life. Now my premise is to tap this factor like sap in the sandal wood tree. Because, fear is often taken for granted from our comfort zones and not looking the other factors which are involved with it. I am sure down the centuries neither prophet nor sage gave a solution to do away with fear. Even Buddha and Christ the greatest teachers that the world has ever encounter have given any medicine to elude this from life.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, we are not to be, we are born to make manifest the glory of God within us and as we let our own light shine we constantly give the other people permission to do the same.” Are the words extracted from the educational movie ‘Akhila and the Bee’ which inspired me and captured me.
            Now you all with me to accept the fact that fear is as an inextricable aspect of life. Be it Religion, Society, Education or Property all have emerged into institutions in order to tackle the fear better in quotidian. So, in a way these social institutions are the products of human fear of life or fear of life to come. In other words the more you have the more you are prone to be frightened. Man in the primitive stage of the social contract theory began to live together in order to have better safety in the company of the others. Thus, fear has been faced not as a new commodity but is as old as our human existence. Henceforth, to draw a conclusion fear is within us and not elsewhere. Very often we think that the fear caused from the others. But in terms of Buddha fear is to travel deep within in to one self. If one is able make it he or she is an enlightened person on the face of the earth.    
To understand this concept from the Biblical sense, “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom.” It this fear is about the death and final judgement? Is this about final punishment? At this point one certainly needs the spirit of prudence and discretion to strike a balance in understanding.


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