Learn from me for I am Gentle and Humble in Heart

Today the youth think that they know everything. But they realize later that they knew so little and to be known is vast. Why am I saying this? It is because, very often the youth seemingly speak rash and harsh. They speak like that just because the other is taking their precious time and energy by asking for a favor or begging for little help. They have no time to render their help to the the other but they spend hours and hours spending time at their P.C, Video games or watching television. As Heraclitus rightly said that the world is in a state of flux. Yes the world is in a state of flux not exactly as he meant physically but today it is very true if we notice our behavior, attitude, culture, habits, food and what not. 
Dear friends I myself am not clear about the change and the state of life that we are living today. When God created the the earth and heaven he said that it was all good to his sight. But are we sure that the same God, to say the same thing today while looking at the world. I at times wonder and doubt if Jesus would have lived on this earth today, I don't know how will be facing the world today. 


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