At the Lap of the Mother Nature

On 23rd March as I was working in our lotus pond (lawn) something captured my mind. I was assigned there to keep the place clean. Since the summer is setting in the trees began to shed the leaves and as we know the place under the trees filled with dry leaves, dry branches and flowers. As I was sweeping the lawn there were many thoughts that were going on in the mind. Something that creped in my mind was a saying that I heard in my school days, “god gives and so the nature gives, God forgives but nature will never forgive.” I hope the message is clear especially as we are the witnesses of the global warming. Besides this, as I was cleaning or sweeping and collecting the Asoka leaves, I suddenly remembered the saying “every dog has it’s day” of course it is in the wrong context but all the same if it cab be applied here each leaf has been the part of the tree but now such leaves are down dried having no sap. I noticed as the wind is strong the leaves rhythmically following down. Such leaves teach a lot. Today this has become a meditative thought for me. After cleaning the lawn I moved to the lotus pond which has got around a dozen lotus flowers. Here the pond became rather dirty due to the dry leaves in the pond. So, I was trying to clean the pond and remove the dry leaves. As I was removing the dry leaves from the water again to my great surprise the water was almost stinking. Yet it is amazing to the lotus fully bloomed on the surface of the pond. I saw keenly into the water, aging to my surprise there were many buds that were getting ready to come out and bloom. I knew that the lotus blooms on the water or rather dirty water. But I never knew that even the preparation to bloom comes out from in side, irrespective of dirt, smell, shade, clean or muddy. It is a great learning for me to realize the lessons of the nature in all its humility and gentleness. The nature is one of the best teachers of the world provided we are keen enough to learn from her invariable teaching.


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