We all know that prayer is an essential aspect in Life. Prayer is in a way very much part of our life. This is the same case in the life of Mother Mary, who in spite of the danger yet she completely trusted God and kept all her faith in God. She will teach us that Humility is the condition of Prayer. In all her humility she accepted the will of God not just blindly but trusting the grace and mercy of God.
Can we think of the condition of Prayer? I would say 'Yes' like MARY to God.
Prayer without feeling is mere impression and pleasing
Prayer without humility is pretense
Prayer without forgiveness is a show
Humbly acceptance of correction is a prayer.
When you are sensitive to the needs of the other is a prayer
To be humane (thank you, please and sorry) is an attitude of prayer.
Prayer need not always be of ceremonies and loud utterance of prayer
But, Prayer is about meaning and feeling for the other.
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