Today life is on the rat race. What I mean by saying this is very simple. Life is noting but of relationship. This presupposes that life is all about relationships. That's might be the reasons why Philosophers have that we are social animals.What ever be the reason in our relationships there are three levels. Relationship with oneself (intra), relationship with the other (inter) and relationship with God (spiritual). So, now we know that life is not a single commodity but a series of relationships. Primarily of all these three, Intra relationship is primordial. Because this is where one is in touch with oneself. In this process one comes to know the depth of person hood. In this process of knowing one's relationship with oneself, one also comes to about the quality and quantity of his/her contribution to the other.

One can give something to the other only if one has something inside. For example, I can only what I have, either ignorance or wisdom. If I have ignorance I share ignorance, if I have wisdom I share wisdom. 
So, it is always an ideal thought that one require to build up not only external personality also internal depth and integrity of character and person hood.


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