Life as Co-operation:God

          Down the history we see many a people irrespective of creed, complex and community strive to make life worth living. Today no wonder why positive thinking books become the best sellers in the markets. However this is very transparent when a Psychologist Adler makes life all about Power.

          For Adler, life is centered around Power. From this dimension we strive to dominate others. And thus we try to become the center of the attraction. We instead of serving and caring, begin to dominate others. Thus we try to make our life happy and easy.

          On the other hand Freud opens the eyes of Adler and unveiled the dimension of Power to Pleasure. It is very appealing for the Western lifestyle. He makes a move from Power to Pleasure. So, at this level we always strive to work to make life as a Pleasure. Thus from the Freudian perspective we become prey to the subconscious mind. At times without our knowledge we try to make life more as Pleasure than Pain.

        Next there is Viktor Frankl who was the victim of World War says that life is not about Power and Pleasure but is about Meaning. Yes, he affirms that we can make life meaningful despite hurdles and struggles. Because all of us are given and endowed with inner jest that gives inspiration and sap to make life Meaningful to oneself and the others as well.

       But then we also have another possibility of making life richer and happier. We have seen life as Power, Pleasure and Meaning. The other way of making life happier is by Surrender. Yes friends we make our life complete and contended by generously surrendering to the will of God. Yes thus by surrendering to the will of God we make life as an instrument of service to our God and to our neighbour. This is what we see in  the lives of Mother Teresa, M. Gandhi, Mandela and Abdul Kalam who despite their existential difficulties yet they generously surrendered to the will of God. Thus they set their life on the limelight for many as icons of inspiration and example. Therefore, it is not our Power, Pleasure and mere Meaning that make life happy but the will of God. Life is all about responding and co-operating with the plan of God.


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