It was on
Sunday morning, I happened to meet great Fr Snigi Lingdo who is working
tirelessly as confessor and writing Biblical commentaries in Sacred Heart
Theological College, Shillong. Obviously, the chat was all about Salesian
Mission in North East India. He said ‘Salesians transformed North East India, and
he commented that when it comes to Youth Centers, there is still a room for
improvement in North East India. This made me to think about the purpose of Don
Bosco for opening youth centers and apostolic schools.

the need of Salesian India today is to return to the call of Don Bosco for
Youth Movements, Youth Centres and Apostolic Schools. All these centers are
meant to make the young people as the object of our Mission. Therefore, Don
Bosco had foreseen the young who would live in midst of both good and evil. And
therefore our task is to set them free from such dangers and thus win their
soul for God in our Youth Centers and Youth Groups and Movements.
I had the privilege
of visiting few youth centers and apostolic schools, like, Aluvwa, Vennela,
Mathunga and BIRDY where young people are made comfortable and accepted despite
and in spite of all that they are and all that they are not. These youth
centers are very active and vibrant serving the young people even today. Thus
the Salesians are productive and effective. I can happily say that these places
are just like the place of Voldocco where thousands of young people throb into
for new friendships and meaningfulness in their life. That is exactly what Voldocco
meant for them. Thus every salesian community become a home, a play ground and
a church where the young people find true freedom of expression. If so all our
communities begin to produce saints like Dominic Savio and Michael Magone. My
only wish and prayer during this Bicentenary Birth of our Founder is that by
his powerful intercession all of us think twice about our Commitment to save
the souls.
challenge today is, how far are we capable, productive, faithful and successful
with our Salesian work? I feel we somehow have reached a stage where the youth
work became a challenge and a dream come true. I wish I am wrong making this
premise. But we cannot ignore the fact.
Questions to Reflect...
1. In my
presence do young people feel comfortable to have Voldcco Experience?
2. Do our
Institutions make a ripple effect in the lives of the young people or are we
just functioning like NGOs.
3. Am I a
key in my community to welcome and enter into the Heart of the young.
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