“The Great dreams of great dreamers always transcend” says late former president, Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam a visionary, a dreamer and a teacher. I dedicate my speech to him.  
            A pleasant morning dear esteemed members of the staff and students. Today we raise our minds and hearts to God, as we complete another glorious year of 69th Independence day. It is said that, before you eat a fruit think about the one who put the seed. Therefore, today it is fitting for us to remember the freedom fighters who laid their lives shedding blood and sweat for a noble cause. It marks the end of an unfortunate era and unveils the beginning of another era of hope and freedom. And what we are all enjoying, the fruit of their labor.   
Let me remind you about what is India Today? Well 1. India is the land that gave birth to the world prominent religions and cultures and the light of Asia, the Lord Buddha. 2. Indus civilization is the oldest civilization that speaks of human civilization. 3. It is a nation with one billion and more people, the greatest of all power possible in the world. 4. 1500 years age India taught the world how to count, Aryabhatta. 5. Sir C.V. Raman am Indian physicist discovered inelastic scattering of photons in liquids. 6. 90 percent of the computers in the world run on a chip made by an Indian by name Vinod Dham. 7. It is Jagadish Bose an Indian who invented Wireless Communication.   
A. India is the cradle of the human race, human speech and human history. She is the grandmother of tradition and legends. Says Mark Twain.  
B. Seeing the mathematicians of India Albert Einstein made a remark, “The world owes to the Indians who taught us how to count.”
One side of the coin is not the whole coin. So the other side of the coin is yet know. Friends, having said that, I am reminded of one of my teachers words that; there are answers available, but we have to ask the right questions and hard questions. Right now the questions that tickle my mind are, With these group of bueauracrates can India develop? Can Ambanis and Tatas develop a country? Did freedom fighters dreamt about India as the 2nd largest in population having the 2nd biggest Slum in Asia? Did they dream about India in which the Education and Health departments are most corrupt? Or where a party promises corruption free Gov. and falters with doubled scams and scandals when in power?  T.V and News Channels busy 24 X 7 with breaking news on politicians and corruption and you know what I mean.
So, all that glitters in India is not gold. If so, what is the criteria to say that India is developed. Let me ask you your perspectives regarding this. 1……2……..3……….
According to Dr APJ Kalam, India is developed when each one of us learn through Education, Culture and Religion to transform oneself from receiving from the nation and learn to give/giving. (when Kalam visited DB St Anthony College, 2013)
I am convinced that developed India 2020 vision of Abdul Kalam our late former president, is a national challenge for which every citizen of India should ask in what way one can contribute to this noble dream not to keep it as a dream come true but to strive to say a dream came true. May we the educators of the young and committed for a cause transform ourselves and our societies from Immorality, Indifference, Individualism, Irresponsibility and Ignorance. Only the dead fish flow in the water. May we, not go like the dead fish after the new trends like web world, celebrities and the culture of temporary. Let us wipe away from our minds and heart Mediocrity that paralyses the entire nation creating a culture of dishonesty and false popularity. This is my wish for the current generation.  
Dear fathers and brothers I have nothing new to tell expect what our Elders who say before we wake up the World, first let us wake up from our dogmatic and disgusted slumber of superficiality and convenience and to commit ourselves to learn to watch our footsteps.    
The dream Gandhiji had of an independent India? He had said, “I will work for an India where the poorest of the poor feel that this is their country. An India where all communities live in friendship and harmony.”  That is the Swaraj that Mahatma dreamt about.
We will be remembered only if we give to our younger generation a prosperous, peaceful and safe India, working as one force the nation and its leaders not to plan but organise.
So, I put the ball in your court to think before you say mera bharat mahan...

Jai Hind.


naresh neelam,sdb
15th August,2015


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