MERCY; A Compassionate Cry...

The solemn proclamation of the Jubillee Year of Mercy by Pope Francis is a blessing for all the Christians across the world. It is an opportunity for us to be compassionate towards our neighbours. For, it is the hallmark of Christianity to love all despite of the differences of creed, community and complexion. From here emerges Mercy as the concept of Christian Identity. For, God himself was merciful towards His chosen race Israel. Right from the beginning of the Bible ; from the book of Genesis to Revelation we see God’s mercy flowing at every moment in the life of Israel; from the fall of our first parents up to now... On the contrary humanity has been projecting itself odd and indifferent to God’s unconditional Mercy; be it Crusades, Jihads, Holy Wars, Inquisitions, World Wars, Fundamentalism, Racism, Immorality and Inequality. Unfortunately these negative elements are also the effects of our civilization. This...