MERCY; A Compassionate Cry...

The solemn proclamation of the Jubillee Year of Mercy by Pope Francis is a blessing for all the Christians across the world. It is an opportunity for us to be compassionate towards our neighbours. For, it is the hallmark of Christianity to love all despite of the differences of creed, community and complexion. From here emerges Mercy as the concept of Christian Identity. For, God himself was merciful towards His chosen race Israel. Right from the beginning of the Bible; from the book of Genesis to Revelation we see God’s mercy flowing at every moment in the life of Israel; from the fall of our first parents up to now...

            On the contrary humanity has been projecting itself odd and indifferent to God’s unconditional Mercy; be it Crusades, Jihads, Holy Wars, Inquisitions, World Wars, Fundamentalism, Racism, Immorality and Inequality. Unfortunately these negative elements are also the effects of our civilization. This unveils how humanity has been progressing but in a wrong way. As a result we have developed a conscience that backs us to live anyhow and somehow provided we thrive in life. How sinful it is to live with this attitude?  

Thus our inclination to sin made us forget that in the name of Jesus we have redemption and forgiveness. Despite of our sin and frailties, God is loving and forgiving. Scriptures tell us “God loved the world that he gave his only son so that whoever believes in him may not die but have eternal life.” Jesus in his short span of life showed us the forgiving face of the Father. The nature of the father is to give and forgive. To which our response shall be Submission and Surrender no matter how wretched is our soul and how wicked is our mind. Because, Jesus tells us that he “came not for the righteous but for the sinners.” This is how God wished to reach the unreached. How fortunate we are to have such a loving God?  
To Be Merciful Like the Father...

Jesus’ life mirrors the compassionate heart of the father who never abandons us. He longs for us to come home, no matter in what situation we are in. St James 4:8 challenges us to “draw close to God and He will draw near to you.”  Jesus in his blood, passion and death has won life and forgiveness for us. He showed us on the cross God’s love and mercy. No doubt, every cross speaks to us of the love of Jesus for us. Unfortunately we fail to listen to the Cry of Jesus, for Mercy, for forgiveness and for Compassion. Scriptures tell us that “I have loved you with an everlasting love.” Isaiah 60: 1. Therefore, his cry on the cross is truly a cry of Compassion and Mercy. How blessed are we to be loved unconditionally?

Once in Heaven, as God the Father was going for his walk, St Peter came running and asked God, the scriptures say that “your love is unconditional,” If so why there is no place for devil in heaven? God smiled at Peter and said, “My love is Unconditional and my Mercy is in abundance, but then the devil never asked me for pardon.” Yes friends, God is full of love and compassion. It is our duty to approach him and receive love and forgiveness. Because God’s nature is to give, give and forgive. We need to be humble and sincere to ourselves. For, when we are sincere, God will bless us abundantly. The fact is that without the love and mercy of God nothing is possible. It is God’s mercy and kindness that keeps the human world afloat; because His mercy is an assurance of Grace and love. (Ephe 1: 7, in him we have redemption and through his blood the forgiveness of sins.   
Very often young people ask questions like, why does God love human beings? And why does he command us to love? I believe the answer is simple; the fruit of love is to love back. Hence, God loves us and forgives us that we may love and forgive our fellow brothers and sisters. God is merciful to us that we may be merciful to others. This is exactly the purpose of God’s goodness and kindness. If we are keen about the Ten Commandments, of which first three are related to God and the seven are related to our neighbour; because it is not enough to love God but that love of God should be shared and experienced with our brothers and sisters in everyday life. This is why our Rector’s Major invites us through the Strenna of the Year With Jesus, let us adventure in the Spirit together,” (with our brothers and sisters).

I wish that this Jubilee Year of Mercy be a Grace at our disposal to GIVE ourselves to the other and thus may we become the agents of MERCY and LOVE like Jesus who cried compassionately for Mercy.   


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