Precious in the Sight of the LORD is the Death of the one of His Faithful Servants.” Psalm 116: 15

Fr Sngi Silvanus Lyngdoh calls it a day obliging God’s call to his heavenly home. He was born on 03rd January, 1921 and was born to eternal bliss on 28th May, 2016 at 5:30 am Saturday. He spent his last days in pain and suffering in the Nazzareth hospital for a month and finally, breathed his last on 28th May, 2016 at 5:30 am Saturday. On the death of Fr Sngi (our father) we deeply feel sorry for the loss of his physical presence with us; yet, we are happy today because we have won a powerful intercessor in heaven on our behalf.    
No doubt Fr. Sngi Silvanus Lyngdoh is a legend who lived among us leaving the glimpses of God’s love for His people. He is truly God’s beloved son who gave everything to God and to his people. He lived a life that was coupled with nature and grace. He endured pain and suffering to any extent with a smile on his face. He never grumbled about food, sickness or any other issues. He was so humble and simple (ground to the earth) in his words, life and writing as well. People love to see him and listen to him; no wonder why people flock to him from all corners of Meghalaya to get his blessings and advice. Yes, thank God for the prophet who lived among us. Except his last thirty days he always enjoyed life and good health. The reason he jokingly said that “Thank God, I was never a superior.”  Such was his humour and simplicity.  

He is the legend of Khasi people strong and active by his word and writing. Although advanced in age yet his mission and vision kept him clear and focused. He gave everything to evangelize and empower his people. No doubt he is saint amidst us communicating God’s unconditional love and goodness. By uttering this we know these words and expressions do not really exhaust His life and mission. As brothers of SHTC, we were not surprised when people, professors and my friends speak of him in such an esteemed and reverential manner. As the psalmist says “For, with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see Light.”     

Fr Sngi was a strong man, determined to evangelize people of Khasi hills. Young as he was, committed for this noble task of spreading the values of Kingdom. He is the power force for Khasi people who made them from no one to someone in the world. What is true of him is not mere hard work but hard work coupled with faith. For him, it was not the work that sustained him rather faith that sustained him to work more; thus for him the fruit of hard work is to work more. Thus he lived to the full the words of St John Bosco ‘loboure, loboure and loboure;’ Work, work and work were the lasting words of St John Bosco to his followers.  
Fr Sngi was in the hospital; suffering, battling for life and struggling from his old age difficulties and from his bed sores. But after being with him in the hospital (attending to him), we felt yes, he was suffering from physical pain; but his mind and heart was still on the mission; his heart and mind was like a soldier on the boarder land. Words are insufficient, expressions are too shallow-You might wonder what I say is an exaggeration. No what I say is strange but true of him of him because Fr Sngi was man led by the Holy Spirit. Everyone who visited him, we could noticed them leaving from him with a smile on their faces and joy in their hearts. This was always the case of those who visited him and encountered him.     

We lived with a prophet among us...

Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His Saints...” Psalm 116: 15



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