Sacraments a Rahner’s View...

We are living in an age that is very much at home with sin. It reveals that the current generation is so much engrossed in sin that this age lost even the sense of sin. This reminds me of the words of Jesus where, he said ‘this generation is seeking for sings to believe in the Son of God’. But now I would like to say that, no sings, no symbols and not even miracles are sufficient to make this generation not to sin. Such is the state of sin. The Chinese story that goes, there are two wolves (good and evil) in every person ever at fight. Given the question who would win? The answer is the one that you and I feed the most.[1] This simple story reveals what is happening to the people of the time. And even the age old saying, “God gives and forgives, man gets and forgets”[2] and another saying, “to forgive is divine and to err is human.”[3] Therefore, it is in human nature to sin and err. The unfortunate thing about this is, that human is happy to commit sin and get self consoled that we are humans after all, not making sufficient effort to fight the evil and the sin. So, sin binds us all in the past, present and future. Therefore sin is something that we all share in common. “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us says St John (1 St John 1:8). So, sin is something a universal reality originating as it did with Satan in the book of Genesis. (Genesis 3:1-24). Then how to get away from our sin; well there is only one way. That is through Jesus Christ who “……poured out his blood and gave up his life for our sins” (Matthew 26:27-28).

We are sure, that there have been a number of books, articles and journals written and discussions and debates held over the issue called sin. Yet, the tension and the misconception over this doctrine of Sin were unresolved. However the authors, writers and scripture scholars have made a genuine effort to shed light and remove the misunderstandings and misconceptions over the years from a very realistic and convincing contemporary approach. So, what is clear to us is that a single man’s sin is the sole explanation for a condition of deprivation in every other human person? This is purely from Christological point of view.[4]

In sin human is brought lower state. The Latin term, peccatum indicates a fall or ruin. Also the Sanskrit root, ped means to fall. In Hebrew, the most basic word used is revolt or transgression indicating the deliberate act of defiance against God.[5] This idea is very clear in the book of Genesis where the essential problem lies in the desire of the humans to be like God. All sin is an act of idolatry, the attempt to replace the Creator with someone or something else. Usually it will be one’s own self or one’s own desire, or creation (Genesis 3:1-7).

So, sin is a fall in the moral sense. It is a failure to be what one ought to be. It is losing the way, straying from the right road, slipping away from the truth. When one commits sin, one falls from his/her dignity or moral perfection; for we are all created in the image and likeness of God. So, when we sin we disfigure the image of God in us. This is exactly what I would like to draw our attention and mind that in sin we disfigure our image that was created by God by our pure choices and decisions. Hence, like in the Old Testament we know God promised our first parents that he would not abandon them rather would send a saviour. We know that it is Jesus the saviour and redeemer who can remove our guilt and sin by his own blood and life. Jesus after his passion, death and resurrection he sent his holy spirit to guide us and he instituted the sacraments to be with us in a very divine and sublime way. What a love that God and Christ had for humanity. Now let me explain the context of the theme, Sacraments from a Karl Rahner’s view.

                    Sacraments: A Karl Rahner’s View is the theme that I chose for myself learning and understanding of the mysteries of the sacraments from a great theologian point of view. As I begin to study and delve my theological explorations I encountered this great man by name Karl Rahner, a great theologian of the 20th century, whose contribution in the second Vatican council was enormous. Besides, the reason for me to take this theme is that I realized how ignorant I was about the sacraments and the sacramental grace all through my formative years. Therefore, as I am preparing to become a priest I feel it is my duty and obligation to know more about the sacraments. My initial study of sacraments tell that, Rahner is one of the accepted protagonists of the renewal of Eucharistic theology in the twentieth century, and an important figure during the second Vatican council. I feel therefore, a journey into his mind can be a source of guidance in the ongoing process of my theological learning and understanding. Another aspect is that, the explanation of the seven sacraments tells that, they all embrace the faithful equally in the mystical body of Christ Jesus, the source and the summit of every sacrament.[6]
               Hence, I deliberately chose this theme with a thought and purpose in mind. In my early theological studies I began to develop a special admiration for two great theologians of 21st century namely Karl Rahner and Henry J. Newmen. Therefore, I deem it as my opportunity and privilege to delve over the former’s contribution in the matters of sacraments for my better understanding. All the more, it was Karl Rahner who made a systematic contribution to the theological understanding of the Sacraments. His writings tell us how there is a beautiful symbolic structure and meaning inherent in the sacraments. Hence, doing a paper or a study on any of his notions will surely be an insight. SC 59 articulates that the purpose of the sacraments is to sanctify people, to build up the Body of Christ, and to give worship to God. Thus the sacraments nourish, strengthen the faith of the people.[7]

          This methodological paper unveils my own pre-understanding over the classical theme the sacraments of course directed from a particular point of view. Especially with this study and research shed light on my misconception over this issue. To be clear about the matter I did thought for a long time that the sacraments guarantee the grace and was sure by mere physical participation and reception grace is bestowed. And I was not sure of how the sacraments were understood and administered in the pre-Vatican days. I feel it was unfortunate thing that could ever happen to a young religious aspiring to become a priest for the people of God. So, it was my ignorance and my thirst that impelled me to choose this theme and shed light over my little knowledge or rather poor knowledge over the sacraments.

      I, therefore feel that it is my obligation and privilege to delve over this must and ought topic for a religious like me, aspiring to follow Christ intensely. At this juncture I wish to quote the words of St Jerome, “Ignorance of Scripture is Ignorance of Christ.”[8] Similarly ‘ignorance of the sacraments is ignorance of Christ.’[9] What I would like to exhort is simple, that we specially, who aspire to follow Jesus should posses Christ who is treasured in the sacraments. It is wonderful to have the knowledge of Christ, from Scriptures, Revelations, and Testimonies and more lucidly from the Sacraments. For, it was the will of Christ to come close to us through the sacraments, to abide in our hearts and live in us.
CONCLUSION: From this paper on sacraments from Karl Rahner’s point of view is an eye opener for me. This paper explains how the sacraments posses the grace of God. Karl Rahner did accept and believe firmly that the sacraments are deeply rooted theologically in the life and the service of the Church. The Church is endowed with the grace of administering the seven vital actions of the sacred liturgy. These seven sacraments are first of all efficacious in action and nature and are the means of saving grace of Christ. However, the paper does not deal about each sacrament in systematic way but rather sacraments in general from a renowned theologian’s mind.

It is clearly mentioned how the need and the necessity of the sacraments crept into human history. Well, the introduction it is mentioned elaborately how first the sin entered human history. Later how God willed to save the humanity from this fallen state to restore and reassure his mercy and love for humanity whom He did create in his own image and likeness. God, by sending his only son to live, love and die for the humanity and resurrect from death and thus he assures life in God. Christ thus, institutes the sacraments and he himself becomes a sacrament of God and then institutes the Church as the sacrament of his grace. This Karl Rahner calls as the saving plan of God. This is popularly known by him as GUSW, God’s Universal Saving Will. What should surprise us over here is, how is that the term Sacrament is not mentioned in the either of the scriptures. This was keenly noted by Rahner. But Rahner says, that literally that term is not found in the scriptures nut the nature of the term is mentioned in the scriptures especially the ecclesial nature, the body of Christ is very clear in this regard.[10]  

At this juncture I wish to quote the words of St Jerome, ‘if we Scripture, we the Christ’, similarly ‘if we know the sacraments without doubt we the graces of ignorance of Christ.’ By doing this paper I message that I received and what message that I would like to drive home is, let us strive to posses Christ who is treasured in the holy sacraments. My invitation and exhortation is especially for those who aspire to follow and imitate Christ for life. Christ is waiting for us in most humble and sublime form in the sacraments. I am sure that it is wonderful to have the knowledge of Christ, from Scriptures, Revelations, and Testimonies and more lucidly from the Sacraments. For, it was the will of Christ to come close to us through the sacraments, to abide in our hearts.  


[1] Naresh Neelam, “Two Wolves,” (November 3, 2015).
[2] Saying
[3] Saying
[4] James L. Connor, “Original Sin: Contemporary Approaches,” Theological Studies, 29, 2 (1968) 240-215.
[5] Connor, “Original Sin: Contemporary Approaches,” Theological Studies, 240-215.
[6] Edmund Gomes, “General Sacramental Theology,” A Course on Sacraments in General (Sacred Heart Theological College, Shillong, August, 2015) Unpublished Class Notes.
[7] The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy Sacrosanctum Concilium (1963) 10, A. Flannery ed., Vatican Council II: The Conciliar and Documents (Bombay: St Paul Publications, 1997). 
[8] Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation Dei Verbum (1965) 25, A. Flannery ed., Vatican Council II: The Conciliar and post Conciliar Documents (Bombay: St: Paul Publications, 1997), Abraham M. Antony, Apologetically Yours: Towards a Persuasive Defence of the Christian Faith (Shillong: Vendrame Institute Publications, 2015) 31-35. It is very important to read St Jerome Commentary on Isaiah, 1.2.
[9] This is my personal appeal to those who have poor attitude towards the sacraments due to ignorance and negligence.
[10] Rahner, Encyclopedia of Theology, 1477. 


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