A Witness of Fr Sngi’s Holiness...

A family in Shillong (Mawlai) from the Warjri clan narrated the experience of having Fr Sngi praying over the family.   

Before Fr Sngi encountered the family, the situation and the condition of the family was broken and shattered due to financial crisis, sickness and misunderstandings among them. It was providential that Fr Sngi was invited to visit the house and bless the family at this time of crisis and brokenness.

When Fr Sngi visited the family, they were so happy that they welcomed him as a family member and poured out all their sorrow and agony to him; having listened to all their problems and agonies, like a family member he prayed together with them. As the custom of the Khasi, the family gathered around the fire warming up, Fr Sngi invited them all to pray and submit all their family concerns and problems to God the Almighty.  

As they were all one in prayer gathered around fire along with Fr Sngi; Fr Sngi in his usual way of praying for the family, he pleaded God to free the family and their burdens and thus make them as His loving children. During the prayer time one woman (A KONG) saw, a snake coming out, from the water jar, which was put on fire for boiling. In fact it was not only this particularly woman who witnessed this but all the other family members saw the snake coming out from the boiling water and just disappeared from their sight. After the prayer and blessing Fr Sngi promised them God’s protection and told them that the evil had left the family and they would live in Peace and Harmony thereafter.   
Since then, the family is grateful to Fr Sngi’s blessings which miraculously healed and freed from all their burdens.  

Let us all pray God for Fr Sngi and Pray to Fr Sngi that he may intercede on our behalf...
Br Richard was told this by a Khasi KONG


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