Change is inevitable...whether you like or not it is bound to happen. 

The world offers umpteen choices in life. It is up to individual to decide and choose; and thus one is destined to change either to good or bad. But the truth is that we change. Whether we like or not, we are bound to change. This is the fact of life. Now the question is who does not like to change to good, better and the best. A poor man hopes to become rich; a student works hard for good results; a farmer works day in and out for a good crop and a society moves towards progress and thus a civilization is born with progress, power and prosperity. This is true with every human civilization. Today humanity has reached such heights in science, industry, technology and communication is all because it is in the nature of humanity to leap into the next stage of life. It is so true that even the nature around us and the animals domestic and non-domestic possess this instinct to grow and to multiply. If it is with nature and the animals How much more human persons have it?

It is true in life that “no one is born with a silver spoon in mouth.” There are no short cuts for success. For, God bestowed upon us intelligence and opportunities that we go, grow and glow in life, no matter in which social, cultural and ethnic situations we are born or bound by. But we have the intelligence and opportunities to go above these realities and transcend the social status quo provided, Hard Work, Discipline, Planning and Prayer are your driving forces of one’s daily life. If these virtues are in built in your daily life system, sky is your limit.

 Here are few personalities who made their lives as icons of change and transformation of social status quo are St John Bosco, St Mother Teresa of Kolkatta, Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln and A.P.J Abdul Kalam, the list goes endless.

St John Bosco: He was born in a poor family and lost his father at the age of two and was opposed to study by his step brother. Therefore he had to work tirelessly in a neighboring village to support his studies. Thus he turned every obstacle into a channel of opportunity with determination, hard work and prayer. Today he is a saint of the young established the second biggest men congregation in the church.

St Mother Teresa of Kolkatta: She was a foreigner when came to India as a missionary sister. She was left with five rupees in hand before leaving her comfort zones of sophisticated school. Despite problems, poverty and opposition she won the heart of the world today. Nothing could curtail her thirst for Christ and love for the poor in streets of Kolkatta. She is the saint of the poor, working almost in every nation in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi: He was inspired by the teachings (beatitudes) of Christ. He is the one of the main pioneers of Indian Freedom Struggle. He shoulders freedom fight with a peaceful movement (Satyagraha and non-violence). Thus he transformed India from slavery to Independence. Today he is called as the father of the nation.

Abraham Lincoln: He was a lawyer turned into a politician and became a president of America after many defeats. He marked his legacy with spectacular governance during his presidency particularly by abolishing slavery and strengthening the union of the nation despite crisis of civil war.
A.P.J Abdul Kalam: He is great India who stands tall in his character and personality. Born poor but could reach to the heights of president of India the most noble state of the nation. Poverty and problems could not stand before his commitment and determination to become a scientist. He had a great vision of India (Vision 2020) and for the Youth of India. There are many awards and books to his credit.  

These great men and women of the world had many choices in life. But what made them to reach to such heights. The secret of their success is the same for all that they were committed to the task, they were hard working and they believed in the power of prayer; with all these forces they achieved what we too can achieve provided we are committed to the task like them. It is said that the level of success is limited only by our imagination. Therefore we need to think big within our means. Possibilities at our reach are galore but we need to discern and decide for the task. Thus we become the agents of innovation beyond our imagination by creation impossibilities into possibilities and unexpected into expected and above all choices into sources of success. Thus ideas and imagination matter since they are translated into unbelievable realities. All is said and done when everything looks beautiful and meaningful thus your name also stands tall among those great men and women of the time...Mr................ or Mrs..........................

Thus choices are discerned with discretion and translated into unbelievable realities. By this we will not grow in age rather grow in grace and success like St John Bosco, St Mother Teresa and A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. Why not you are one among them?  


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