Address to Fr P.V. JOSEPH (Director of DBCIC)
“For nothing
will be impossible with God.” Luke 1:37. When God is with us, be sure, we are destined
to do great things; beyond the borders and across the rivers. This is exactly
what Fr P.V has achieved in last seventeen years. “Great things happen when God mixes with us, great and beautiful,
wonderful things...great things happen when God mixes with us.” As we think
of Fr P.V. this is exactly the hymn that flashes through my mind at the moment.
loves green, prefers green and goes green. Perhaps that is why, he is
ever green with an enchanting smile on his face. Thus he invites good will peace
with his smile no matter who meets him or whom he meets; for sure they leave
him with a smile on their face. That is why Fr P. V is ever green among the
leaders of the Church and the State alike.
Panikkar a Christian philosopher said this about Missionaries, “We are sitting
on the shoulders of the giants.” It is true that what Fr P.V has done to
develop the DBCIC, from a seedling to a mighty and giant tree. It is an
outstanding example of the Christian Mission and Witness. Don Bosco Museum is a
window to the North East mosaic of cultures. It is now reaping fruits hundred
fold, drawing numerous visitors from all over the world. Thus you made DBCIC as
a light house of North East India. As a hub of knowledge and a treasure house
of cultural heritage DBCIC is waving the flag of Christian Mission as high as the
Sky walk and higher. As an instrument of God you transformed the Museum into a Neo-Museo-Evangelical
Centre that radiates God’s love creatively and innovatively. It definitely entails
a lot of planning, hard work, conceptualising and above all remarkable vision and
dedication. Thus you raised the tent of DBCIC to International Standards.
dont’s see things as they are. We see things as we are.” Hence, there is no
doubt to say that DBCIC, is a perfect reflection of the mind and the vision of
the Director. As a true son of Don Boco you have achieved a herculean task. In the
Community you went about as a good friend of all. Your deep thoughts and
reflections are no less than our class room lesions. Through good night talks,
you inspired us to work professionally; through homilies you enlightened us to
focus on God alone; as a dear Friend you have left a rich legacy, touching our
lives with your gentle smiles coupled with wit and wisdom. If Don Bosco were to
be here, I am sure he would be the happiest person to see DBCIC and he would
have invited you to Rome to Build another Museum over there.
glory of God is man/woman who is fully alive” says St Iraneus. Dear Fr P.V in
all that you did, you did for the glory of God. Hence we thank you for teaching
us that ‘holiness simply means to do one’s duties well.’ It is our joy to assure
you of our prayers. We offer you over best wishes for your new ministry. May God add more life to your days and more
days to your life, to continue to Glorify Him in all that you do. It is not how
much we do rather how much love we put into what we do.
Thank You once
Keep Smiling...
SHTC Family
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