life, there are certain essentials that guide us and lead us to the Father in
Heaven. Hence, Jesus begins his public ministry with Beatitudes (Sermon on Mount)
which are the measure of our earthly life. By these beatitudes Jesus once again
sets the importance of the Ten Commandments that were given by God the Father.
By this teaching and preaching he sets the tone for us to live to the full.
there are many young people today, who live life anyhow and somehow as if there
is no God. This in fact is a common phenomenon in today’s trend setting societies;
where identity is in a flux, character is of a person is least bothered and
values are devalued due to pop-culture, techno-culture and mob-mindset. Unfortunately
such attitudes are growing in number. As a result of this young people end up miserably
in life. Thus they lead a wrong path and lose the salt and the light of their
life and end up in dissipation and disappointment and make their life a mess. Such
individuals seek signs and miracles to come to God or to believe in God. Since,
God is given least priority in life, the devil takes refuge in such hearts and
minds. They lose the vigour of their life and become victims of every evil
force and get addicted to evil habits, for there is no place for God in such
the contrary, we have saints who believed God as their way, truth and life. St
Alphonsa, St Mother Teresa, St John Paul II and Bl. Rani Maria stand tall as
icons of inspiration and perspiration to be the light and to bear the light.
Even in the midst of trails and temptations, they believed and relied on God’s
grace. That was an act of their faith in God who never abandoned them. For, ‘He
loved them (us) with an everlasting love.’ They lived their life as salt of the
earth and light of the world despite trials and tribulations in life.
after preaching the beatitudes he told them the parable of the Salt and Light. We
know how useful salt and light are. Like the salt and light we all have a
vocation for the world. If salt be insipid: i.e, useless. Strictly speaking,
salt cannot lose its flavour and remain salt, but it can become unclean and
need to be thrown out. Salt is both a spice and a preservative. Pure salt by
its very nature does not lose its taste, but salt that is impure can lose its
saltiness and consequently have no value whatever. So when disciples are told
“you are the salt of the earth” they are to be that permanent living people of
the covenant who would draw other people into a relationship with God. Jesus by
saying you are ‘the salt of the earth and light of the world,’ he acknowledged
their vocation that disposes them to lead oneself to God and thus become the
channels of God’s love and mercy to others. Like Peter and Paul having been
strengthened in Christ to strengthen my brothers and sister in Christ alone (young
people). Thus we live the words of St Iraneus “Man/woman who is fully alive is
the glory of God.”
the Old Testament light imagery is applied to God who led Israel out of Egyptian
by day as pillar of cloud and by night as pillar of fire (Exodus 13:21). In the
New Testament it is applied to Jesus as light who guides our feet into peace
and gives life in our darkness (Luke 1:79, Eph 5: 8). Therefore, Jesus the true
light invites his disciples to be like a city set on a mountain (Jerusalem) to
stand steadfast in the world mission. Just like the candle that consumes itself
but gives light for others, so too the true disciples live life not for
themselves but for others. (Cor 4:7). Thus we let our light shine to all who
are at our service.
John Paul II says that “Humanity is a bridge to Christ’s divinity.” Being human
is the only we to reach God in maturity of heart and mind. Hence, human
formation is a matured way to express authentic love for God and neighbor.
Therefore, each one of us is blessed with numerous gifts, talents, abilities
and strengths to grow in Christ’s humanity (he was a good teacher, carpenter,
good shepherd and a good friend of all children and young people of his times. The
Bible says that “as a boy he grew in wisdom and age.” Thus boy Jesus grew as a
matured man and succeeded Joseph his foster father to support the family as the
bread winner. Jesus lived his life as the salt of the earth light of the world
and manifested God’s love. He was at his best in everything that he did for
mission. Thus Jesus himself sets a new platform for us to be the best at every
activity be it, work, study, music, dance, sports etc. The challenge before us
is to be the salt of the earth and light of the world. In this way we give
glory to the heavenly Father. Thus in our new life of being salt of the earth
and light of the world we manifest God’s glory to the world. That is why Jesus
addressed God as the Father who is the source of all our life, energy and good
will. Our life flows from God’s immense goodness and love. And we know the
saying love begets love. Therefore, being rooted in God we bear God’s love as
fruits from our labor. Jesus is one example par excellence who manifested
God’s love and life.
any one of us hear someone gifted to bring the dead to life? No.
any one of us hear that someone who says that he/she gives life for you? No.
any one of us hear that someone who said that I am the way to the Father? No.
any one of us come back to life after death and lived for 40 days and said
that, he will come again to save us?
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