Mind Mesmerizes or Messes up...!

One of the economists said that "Discovery of America and India" is the most turning points in the history of civilized economy.
Given the question what would be or what was the most fatal thing in the world? Is it the world war, is it the epidemic... 
I would say the moment we read the mind of the other. It is deadly even to think about it and how fatal it would be if others can read my mind, thoughts and intentions. If so violence will prevail over the civilization and the civilization would be left toothless, one-eyed, one-legged and one ear left for all...That is why Gandhi years ago said "If violence prevails then the society will be left only with blind people. 

How wonderful is God by making us so unique and amazing. Particularly bestowing the humanity with graces necessary for survival. Mind sens signals and thus body organs are operated and stabilized according to the stability of the environment. Perhaps why Mind is so unique that it operates the entire body. Hence, we need to develop the peace of mind. This strategy will make us live life in harmony with our neighbours and the environment. If not mind could also lead us to lunatic tendencies of obsession and imbalance of behaviors. Thus we at times loose the control of our emotions and expression which results as a Bi-polar sickness. Hence, training one's mind is a prerequisite for sound body and sound mind. Thus we lead a healthy life having a psycho-somatic balance.   


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