Right at the outset, I admit that I am not a staunch feminist, yet this presumption doesn’t stop me whispering the truth of my inner voice. As someone said “say the truth and run away”, I do not mean such assumption despite the fact that I, a male, writing on such a significant phenomenon woman.        
One cannot but accept the significant role of a woman in building a family or a society. Hence, we must appreciate woman’s contribution in nation building. Neither the governments, nor the civil or church laws build families. Instead, it is a woman who builds the family. If so, why there are rapes, domestic violence, and female-foeticide, divorce and unjust wages? State or religion is no exception. Hence, we must question the system, because if the system is corrupt what can we hope for? Hindu, Islam, Judeo-christian systems and the Greek, Roman, Eastern civilizations were all part of this inequality without being judgemental. Let us now get into the heart of the matter.           

        sati saha gamana, child-marriages, dowry system, devadaasi/temple prostitution, unwanted girl child culture, domestic violence, abortions, trafficking, legal-prostitution and sales/product-advertising. This reality has its deep roots in history. “War to men, what maternity is to women” said Aristotle. So much so that Greeks did not even consider women as equals, worse still not as human beings but, as objects of satisfaction and gratification. Ironically, their mythologies were full of feminine goddesses. Perhaps why Anaximander, a Greek philosopher said “the world is made up of opposites.” The Indian age old Hindu-traditions hold that women were impure and so were not allowed to enter into the sanctuaries of the temples. But they propagated temple prostitution and devadaasi systems despite, having three crore dieties. The Jewish culture and Islamic traditions were of no exception to this gender inequality. Even today the Drawpathi story of Hindu Puranas is time and again repeating in India. So much so, Delhi is now called as a rape and divorce capital city of India.

Today in this complexity of reality, plurality of faiths, multiplicity of opinions, diversity of cultures, scientific and nuclear development and yet women are objectified, ill-treated and unaccepted. This is not a new phenomenon. It has been there in India in different forms as

In this age, there are cases of teachers who abuse their students; leaders mishandle public wealth and powerful grow at the cost of the poor. The Priest, Pujari, Pandit or Peoples Representatives are no exception. There are men who desire for a beautiful wife, but reject the girl child, desire for a good mother but abuse the wives; happy to admire the latest actresses but do not even care the sick and aged mothers. There is such a terrible disparity in society due to knowledge gained without experience, insights without reflection and lectures without ethics/morals. Thus a lot of traditional values have become messy, confusing and compromising. A new culture of CCTVs, Security Guards, Policing and Scheduled day time work hours, glassed windows and open doors tell us how insecure and how threatening we are to our sisters and mothers. It is strange but true!   

As said above, if education does not educate the mind and heart of the individuals, that education is meaningless. If not that education is mere hypocrisy of the learned people. Once, Pharisees brought a prostitute woman, caught in the very act of adultery to be stoned to death. Jesus, seeing her helplessness and the darkened minds of the Pharisees, invites the one who has not sinned. There prevails a dramatic scene, as the Pharisees withdrew one by one. Jesus shuns their hard hearts, self-righteousness, arrogance, judgmental attitudes and domination. He saves the woman from shame, fear, guilt and death. This woman experienced such compassion and forgiveness of the master. Here Jesus sets himself as an example to respect the dignity of the personhood and shuns the sin. He sees the person not the sin. Hence that woman who was so frightened, timid, helpless, but after experiencing forgiveness of Jesus, picked up courage to enter into the house of a Pharisee and breaks all social taboo and anoints the feet of Jesus with the costly oil. Thus, she was liberated from the social taboo and gratefully gives to Jesus not merely the costly oil but the richness of her heart. That is the power and the generosity of a woman who was supported and accepted. Yet, there was a man who questions and doubts her act of gratitude. Here Jesus gives a clarion call telling us, what matters is the heart of gratitude. Therefore, it is not enough to study and win laurels for one’s credit but must have a large heart to love and serve.

Unfortunately the system is always a challenge, because, they are like the Statue of Liberty of America that stands for freedom, but actually was robed from Africa and gifted by France to USA. In such a world WOMEN must be like the Lotus that blooms despite dirty water. The challenge is that every woman must stand for their rights. The challenge of Jesus “to be light of the world and salt of the earth” must be made a reality. Light penetrates and conquers darkness. Salt dilutes and adds taste to the food and preserves it. In both the images there is an element of change. Everyone must be like the catalyst and agents of change. Hence, Jesus invites particularly the women to know the truth and stand for the truth and shine like the candle lit and put on the stand.     
Although there are struggles lurking in every corner of the society, there were women who faced difficulties and yet not succumbed. St. Mother Teresa, Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Medha Patkar and all Good Mothers are outstanding examples. It is said that “if you want to protect a generation plant trees but if you want to protect thousand generations educate women.” It is very true, if the man is the head of the family, woman is the heart of the family; and we know the important role of the heart. Therefore, invariably there is a woman behind everyman’s success. From the womb to the grave...the mother is the starting point of one’s arrival. In Indian terms, woman is synonymously identified as shakti and power. They inherit such a grace that every woman is a symbol of endurance, peace, gentleness, love and patience. No wonder why mother/woman is considered as God/divine personified in human form. Every woman therefore, is intrinsically a divine extension. Why then do we talk about empowerment, emancipation or liberation of women, when they are empowerment by their very nature. In this context, feminism is not a movement fighting for the rights rather is the source of power and vision. This source must not be an agitation but is an inspiration that would bring out heroic models of women leaders in the society.      

Women are known as Aadi Shakthi; meaning they are power emanating from the divine. Therefore, they are like the lotus in the pond that blooms even in muddy water. The mud and dirt do not diminish the essence of the lotus. For, the lotus penetrates the mud and blooms. Likewise, women are immensely blessed with such charisma, potentiality and determination. As a result every good man is the fruit of every good woman who nurtured the child to man. These courage women contribute much to the nation building. For an instance, Mother Teresa the saint of the poor contributed to the least of the nation from rags to the riches. Mrs. Indhira Gandhi changed the political scenario of the nation with such power and progress. Medha Patkar committed her life to become the voice of the voice less as an NGO and a Journalist. Therefore, when we educate a woman we actually educate a generation and more. No doubt, women have an extraordinary power and responsibility in bringing up the family and the society at large.  

Today India is moving on a high pace for bullet trains, tale-communication and for Nuclear Energy. To be frank this is not the need of the hour. Instead, India must start a social revolution of respect for all. This I believe is real education, culture and civilization. However, women are the real nation builders, subtle yet profound. Yes, a woman is the heart of the nation, perhaps why our freedom fighters called our country Mother India. In India family is the best social system where a woman plays a significant role. Today India is witnessing the soft changes as women contribute in science, technology, medicine, politics, religion, education and administration. If India had such leaders like M. Gandhi, B.R Ambedkar, Tagoore and A.P.J Kalam, I believe, the credit certainly goes to their mothers, who nurtured them from cries of the cradle to the crown of glory. India had the first woman Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi and the first woman President Mrs. Pratibha Patil and today P.V. Sindu, Saina Nehwal, Mitali Raj and Deepika are new source and force of inspiration for Indian.         

It is said “where women are respected God’s make their dwelling.” In India the Earth is worship as mother, water as life and interestingly many rivers in India bare feminine names. Thus women were treated always high in Vedic and Golden Age. Unfortunately, this attitude declined during the Colonial and Moghals invasion. Thus, the need to protect women arose and today it is an urgent need like that of the freedom fight. But we must admit the fact that there are women who swam against the current and set an example for change and difference. The task of Media is to bring up such success stories of women who changed the status quo in sports, education, administration and service sectors. I am glad about the Bollywood movies of Queen, Meri Khom and MOM with a female leading role against the stereotyped stories. I wish we will have more of such courageous women stories soon. We must bring out the unsung women heroes to the front line of this male dominated territory. The truth of our nations’ economy is much contributed by the house hold savings of women in terms of wealth, gold and jewellery. Hence, it is not a surprise if we say that the Development is intrinsically linked to the empowerment and education of women. Because, they are true game changers of family, society and the nation building as power, shakti.

Let us remember the words of the St Teresa of Kolkata, “Though you think that the work that you do is just a drop in a vast ocean then remember that the ocean will be incomplete without that particular drop”.  Blessed are those women who make ripple effect in Indian sub-continent.          



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