The Ideal, Actual and the Possible Self

It was on the eve of the community day celebrations that one of the staff members insight-fully opened my eyes with his thoughtful, insightful and emotion filled speech. Well, that great soul is Rev Fr V.V. Paul who is known for editorial work. What did he say?
It was a great day for all the students of theology celebrating the community day on which we would be served good food and drinks. Hence, everyone was waiting for this good and great day. In view of this beautiful day, Fr V.V. Paul gave us food for our thought. For me it was a solid and nutritious food for my thought. 

There are always two types of families, societies, communities. I believe that this formula even applies for the type of the self. The first type is the Ideal and the second is Actual. He said that 'these two types are equally important." Because, if Ideal is neglected then we become cynical and on the other hand if we reduce the actual then we fall into hypocritical syndrome. Therefore, the challenge is to strike a balance between these two types. In this process of we don't elevate the Ideal in order to reduce the Actual; but we raise the Actual to reach the Ideal. At this juncture, we must realize that this is a constant journey that having the Ideal before us and strive to reach it. As 'every light has it's own shadow,' hence, we must transcend the differences, limitations and shadows. If so, eventually we become the protagonists of the third type called the Possible Community, Society, Family and the Self. By this process of growing, maturing and enlightening we all as Individuals create space for a good and possible families, communities, societies and selves. Thus we help each other by understanding the realities of life that nothing is Ideal unless and until we begin to step into the shoes of the other. By this we reflect each other with all differences, limitations and shadows. For no one is perfect except God the Almighty. Therefore, we emulation of God's goodness strive to transcend human predicament and created ripples of humanity, of understanding, accepting and supporting. For by being human we become divine. As human beings, being human is our duty for there lies our beauty. 


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