Youth: Where is your Heart?

It is good to think about what is going on in the mind of the young people. Where are the young people? Who is their friend? And where is their heart? In the Bible there are questions:
In (Gen. 3:8), God asked Adam, Where are you?
In (Gen. 4:9), Yahweh asked Cain, Where is your brother Abel?
And in (.......), the Lord asked the young man, Where is your Heart?
Today God asks every young man and young woman the same questions...where are you? Where is hour brother/sister? And where is your heart?
In this buzz world, there is a danger of truth being manipulated and identity being disfigured. Unfortunately, even the leaders of the country don’t help the young to make the right decisions and choose life and avoid evil. Instead, political and religious fundamentalist groups mobilize the young and use them as means for their selfish motives. The media is so deceptive that it adds fuel to fire by confusing the young people about their priorities and responsibilities. Thus the young people are becoming victims of media culture. As a consequence of the negative influence of media, fanatic and fundamentalist culture the young people become indifferent to their responsibilities and become overactive on the social networks where they find their imaginations and fantasies coming true. They get lost in this wave of media and become helpless victims of trend and end up miserably by joining violent groups causing public and social damage. God asks to choose life or death. If we choose life then we have got to work at it and if we choose death than the world makes use of us and leaves us at the end as victims of media culture and as the puppets in the hands of the rich.
What went wrong with these young people? First and foremost they lacked focus in life and therefore they begin to enjoy life in sin. Sin is a passing joy, a momentary pleasure but the guilt remains (Eph 7:1; 2 Cori 4:8). What is the solution? The only solution we have is Jesus Christ and the Sacraments.
We become what we behold. Life is not an accident, nor an incident, nor a coincident, not a chance or a by chance but by choice. Yes, it is the Choice of God that we are alive. It is His gift to us. Therefore, your attitude toward life determines your altitude in life. Attitude: Faith, Work and Humility. Altitude: Grace, Success and Happiness. Prayer is the key to heaven but faith unlocks the door. So, my prayer is that the young people today must be focussed and be clear about those three Biblical questions and thus strive to find meaning, happiness and fulfilment in life. When we are young we must invest all our energies to lay a strong foundation for our better future. Therefore, delay not but start working on. Faith, Morals, sacraments and responsibilities are the stepping stones for a happy, joyous and holy life.
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