As religious we profess that we live poverty, chaste and obedient to God
and Superiors. Here I mainly focused on "OBEDIENCE". I compare the
obedience of Jesus to our own lives. Before I start, I would like to ask a
question to you, what is obedience?

Obedience is nothing but denying one's own will and choice for the sake
of the kingdom of God. Obedience is listening to others and sharing with others.
We see in the life of Jesus Christ, every moment or every step that he took and
he was always obedient to God the Father. We see that devil came to tempt
Jesus Christ. But Jesus never put God in test but he always praised God. We
also know that before Jesus death on the cross, he went to the garden of
Gasthemene, and he prayed to Lord: "Father; if it is possible let this cup pass
away from me, but not my will but your will be done." This is the real
obedience to God. This shows to all how much Jesus was obedient to God the

My dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ let us reflect about ourselves
and introspect and see how much are we obedient? Are we really following the
vow that we professed on the day of our first profession? Let us leave out all our
wills and desires. Let us seek like Lord Jesus Christ and say not my will Lord
but your will be done. Are we ready to say like the Lord or not? Let us try to
imitate our Lord Jesus Christ, being obedient to God till our last breath.

N. Ashwith Kumar.


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