"A sound body leads to a sound mind." And "early to bed early to rise makes a man heathy, wealthy and wise" is a old saying that speaks about a person's well-being. Today people have become health conscious like never before. However, it is true how young people get trapped in emotional and relationship issues due to lack of balance and maturity. Therefore, I just would like to tell all irrespective of class and community to take care of physical and emotional health. Modern psychologists vehemently say that Emotional and Physical Health lead to Spiritual Well-being. When we balance both emotional and physical health be sure we become spiritually matured Individuals who can be flexible and creative in dealing life related issues. This process of maturity will answer the question How do I find myself, happy or said? 

We must keep in mind that our physical health will certainly affect our Thinking, Behaving and Action. For an instance the balanced people use time constructively and thus become productive to the society and to the nation at large. Such people find time to read books, find time to exercise, and also find time to pray and meditate which are pre-requisites for well-being. 

Therefore, balancing one's emotional and physical self is must to strive for spiritual well-being. For such people flexibility and creativity become their hall-mark.           


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