St Joseph, the Mirror of Peace & Patience..!


St Joseph, the Mirror of Patience…

The media dominated 21st century and the corporate companies stress so much on passion and perfection. At times, in tech-dominated society we are like a man who prays “God, give me the gift of patience but immediately!” well, we too regardless of age and faith get carried away by our work and lose stability, balance and calmness. Here is someone whom Pope Francis desires that all of us pay attention to learn patience, perseverance and prayer. For, his life truly mirrors patience. St Joseph, ‘the mirror of Patience’ is a perfect title that describes the aptitude of Joseph. In the Gospels, Mary responds to the angel at the annunciation and remains faithful as she says ‘let it be with me according to your word’ (Lk 1:38). Unlike Mary, Joseph says nothing to the angel but ‘did as the angel of the Lord commanded him’ (Mt 1:24). Perhaps why, Mathew the evangelist calls him as ‘a Righteous/just man’ (Mt 1:19). As a humble man, Joseph did his duties to the best of his capacity as a diligent student in the School of Jesus and Mary. Although we notice the Gospels don’t record any word ever spoken by Joseph along the way, but we can understand that his silence is not because he lacked answers but because he disposed everything in his noble silence. For, his silence reflects his maturity and capacity to understand and endure hardships; and above all, his willingness to obey the will of God. His patience was like an aura that he carried all through his life. This aura in a way envelops everything about Joseph as a carpenter in the house of Nazareth. This silence reveals his inner character and grit. It only means that Joseph is a silent listener but active doer, provided we have recourse to him. Perhaps why, when the Church in Europe was in crisis, St Theresa of Child Jesus (1873-1897), urged to have devotion and veneration to Joseph for the renewal of the Western Christianity, for she knew that Joseph would do the needful. Hence, in this buzz life, Joseph is no doubt a perfect example of interior life to be emulated. Joseph is possessed with many virtues. One of his many virtues is patience. Therefore, let us see what we can learn from him, who mirrors patience in his word and deed.

If Mother is the Heart of the Family, Father is the Head of the Family

Holy Family is the model family to all the families. Amoris Laetitia (30) says that “Every family should look to the icon of the Holy Family of Nazareth.” Credit goes equally to Jesus, Mary and Joseph as well. We must understand how this family became a model family? Joseph as Mary’s faithful spouse shared common responsibility as the bread winner of the family. He was a hard worker who committed himself to the task and sustained the family. I am convinced that Joseph not only shared the responsibility as the bread winner but all the more he shared in the divine mystery of the Incarnation. Thus along with Mary his spouse, is privileged to share the responsibility and establish the Church, the Mystical Body of Jesus. Joseph thus becomes part of the redemptive work of Jesus. Joseph complemented Mary as the head of the family while Mary is the heart of the family. It is said ‘charity begins at home.’ Therefore, boy Jesus for sure learnt carpentry and other virtues from his foster father. We shall now try to understand his patience amidst confusion and crisis when he first noticed a pregnant Mary.          

“...being a just man, unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to send her away quietly” (Mt 1:29). 

Joseph and Mary belong to an orthodox Jewish tradition. Both of them were well aware of the Mosaic Law and the consequences of bearing a child outside marriage. Therefore, Joseph as a Jew knew what would be the consequences that await Mary since he found her pregnant without his consent. Now what to do? He was in great dilemma. It is true ‘still waters run deep.’ Therefore, Joseph was rather perplexed how to go about Mary’s pregnancy. It was fair to hand Mary to the elders and punish her as per the Mosaic Law. He could have proved his self-righteousness like the Pharisees who came to Jesus asking what to do with this woman, caught in the very act of adultery (Jn 8:4). Unlike the Pharisees, he showed his maturity and concern for Mary beyond words. He thought about Mary so deeply that he did not want to trouble her. Instead he just wanted quietly leave her alone by withdrawing from her. Such a gentle and magnanimous soul he was. He speaks hardly anything in the Gospels but we see how deep and profound is his heart and mind that elevate him to the order of the saints. He was a genuine human person who was interested always for the good of the others no matter who it was. His deeds speak volumes of his character and personality. There is no doubt to say that Joseph was certainly called by God to serve the person of Jesus while exercising his fatherhood. Joseph was selflessly available to the will of God. Besides, God also gave him a share to correspond to the love that has its origins in Him alone (Eph 3:15). He even transcended Mosaic Law and proved himself noble beyond the law and tradition by obeying the angel of the Lord.

“Joseph did as the angel of the Lord commanded him and took his wife” (Mt 1:24).

Although Joseph did not do as Mary did in response to the angel but Joseph faithfully accepted and obeyed the angel and took Mary as his wife. It is a clear sign of ‘obedience of faith’ as Paul says (Rom 1:5; 16:26). This way of faithful obedience I believe, enabled Joseph to become the guardian of Jesus. As the guardian, he took every good care of Jesus during his childhood. Likewise, Joseph freely committed himself entirely to the Holy Family and God. Scripturally speaking Joseph in a way became a unique guardian of the mystery ‘hidden for ages in God’ as Paul would love to say (Eph 3:9). Along with Mary, Joseph also became a part of the pleroma, a Pauline concept of God’s Universal Saving Will realized when the fullness of time came in the mystery of Incarnation. Therefore, it is a collective effort of both God’s Plan and Human Co-operation blended in the act of Incarnation. Joseph’s silence in the Gospels is not a passive silence, rather is an active and dynamic silence that shows signs of co-operation and collaboration. Otherwise, Joseph would not have taken care of Jesus so well. So much so, because of Joseph’s care, affection and concern Jesus grew in wisdom and stature as the evangelists witnessed.

Jesus increased in wisdom and in years, and in divine and human favor (LK 2: 52).

The wisdom of the Fathers of the Church tells us that St Joseph took loving care of Mary and gladly dedicated himself to bring up Jesus into stature and maturity and divine and human favor (Lk 2:52). Joseph is such a father figure whose heart is like that of the creator cannot but love his children (Jn 3:16). As the evangelists describe how Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, I believe the credit goes certainly to his foster father who protected and taught the qualities of both heart and mind. Prophetically speaking, Joseph certainly watches over and protects the Church from all dangers. Joseph with his gift of patience and prayer won the favor of God. Therefore, God has entrusted into his hands the most and sublime gift of salvation ‘Jesus Christ.’ Joseph is humble yet stands tall as a model of humility and patience to be inspired and emulated. It is not only Mary who was favored by God also Joseph as the foster father of Jesus.

‘Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary your wife…’ (Mt 1:20-21).  

Rarely de we find people who are disposed with virtues of both heart and mind. One of such rare persons is St. Joseph. It is not an exaggeration to say that God chose Joseph to be the foster father of Jesus precisely because of his virtues of heart and mind. This reflects his life particularly as he cooperated with God by accepting Mary as his wife despite his initial doubts about her pregnancy. However, in moments of doubt he was diligent enough to act wisely by doing what the angel told him. (Mt 1:24). Once, angel confirmed in a dream about Mary, all his doubts disappeared and he began to accept Mary as his wife. Mathew the Gospel writer, in the infancy narrative gives Joseph a significant place. Joseph was always committed to seek the will of God and live accordingly. Matthew tells us that, after the birth of Jesus Joseph took infant Jesus and his mother and exiled to Egypt and stayed there to escape from Herod’s plan (Mt 2:13-23). And Joseph and Mary were so anxious when the boy Jesus was lost in the temple during their pilgrimage for the annual festivities in Jerusalem (Lk 2:41-52). Imagine how much Joseph along with Mary would have been worried. But, despite such experiences Joseph kept calm and searched and found boy Jesus among the doctors in the temple. Another point to take note is that, although Joseph doesn’t speak in the Gospels but evangelists speak on his behalf. For an instance, the evangelists honor Joseph by adding his name in the lineage of Jesus Christ as, ‘Joseph, son of David.’ No doubt, Joseph was certainly a good husband who loved his wife so dearly and took care of his family. As mentioned above, he was a good Jew who was not only faithful to the Mosaic Law but also instructed his loving son. It only shows how Joseph was united to his family and to the plan of God to be fulfilled through Joseph.


The greatest of saint in the Church after his holy spouse Mary, is St. Joseph. In these modern times where peace is being lost and trust in family life is being lost, it is good to seek the intercession of St Joseph the guardian of the holy family. His life is an example for all men and women to build and sustain family life. Every parent must dispose oneself into the loving care of Joseph so that they may like him take care of children and siblings as Joseph the Patron of the universal Church did. Besides, we also must love Jesus as Joseph loved him. Gospels teach about St Joseph’s life as mysterious because it is very subtle to understand. Well, evangelists tell us about his humility and active silence that is moved by deep faith and trust. In family life trust is a prerequisite for a happy family. If we implore the blessings of Joseph I believe we understand more clearly the great humility and patience of St Joseph who was constantly aware of the goodness of God and the nothingness of himself. Joseph, although was silent but was caring Mary. Therefore he did not offend Mary instead he acted wisely being guided by the angel Gabriel. His patience reflects his obedience, faithfulness, humility, trust and support. It is my prayer and wish that, may St Joseph, the ‘just and wise man of God’ ‘the guardian of families’ ‘the patron of workers’ and ‘the patron of death’ hold our hand and lead us all towards Jesus, his loving foster son. May we like Joseph dispose both the virtues of heart and mind in our quotidian, particularly the gift of patience.  




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