How to Die Gracefully...!

Dear friendz it is always fascinating to hear something about death and life after death. Very often we hear people getting frightened to talk about their own death. Why do I say suddenly about death. Yes friendz there is an interesting thing that took place a couple of days ago. I was with an elderly priest (Swami Vikrnat sdb) who was 84 years old and came down to Warangal to take Latin classes for our brothers. During our tea time he was telling us that he was up to his last book to be completed and in the process of publishing. Out of curiosity I asked what would be the title of the book. He said that "How to Die Gracefully." I was really fascinated by his wonderful way of living and going about. Beautiful. I do not need any words of inspiration and motivation. For his life and works speak volumes of love, laughter, fun and frolic. He is a passionate teacher, well qualified in Indian Philosophy.


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