I cannot but express the joy of visiting a beautiful community; where I feel God is truly present amidst you. I am
an eye witness of this.

I felt in my heart that this joy needs to be appreciated and communicated.
Therefore, I pen this to tell you not merely to express my gratitude but to
tell you that nothing can surpass your joy in the community and nothing can
transcend your joyful witness of the Consecration and Charism. I was blessed to
witness the radiance of your humble yet vibrant community...and the joy of
important aspect of your life in the community that I witnessed was the joy of
giving. Yes very true, your love for Christ and the Charism perhaps impels you
to give yourself, be it your time, your prayers, your help, your presence, your
smile, your service and may be your thoughtfulness. Now I am confirmed to
believe that there is no other way than To
Give in order to find true happiness in life and in mission. Perhaps this is what Christ has done for us.
every moment I felt as if the choirs of angels appear before me... the form of the
Tabarnacle centred between bedroom and dining hall
(the source of your joy) the form of two
of you (happy and cheerful people....a joyful attitude of
heart and mind) the form of your
loving Teddy (the way he chased the cows and the way
he prays....) the form of those
humble and simple Khongs who help you selflessly the form of those
little ones who cannot but look and smile at you
(your smile is contagious) the form of those
little students who cannot but flock to you (I will not be
surprised tomorrow if some of them (girls) become your faithful candidates and
later as good sisters....because they see you working, praying and helping,
they experience this and then they may imitate you not merely your life but
your charisma swell....
enjoyed wonderful lunch prepared with much love and goodness. Thank you so much
for your sacrifice and hard work. And above all during lunch time I felt three
of you were one in spirit of your charism and with your province at large. I
saw Sr. Francia was moved with tears
thinking of her lost sister and Sr.
Teena (who was so good and noisy but
suddenly was silent like mother Mary and became emotional as well. Sr Maria was also the same as well. Seeing all these things I was like St Peter
who was witnessing the Transfiguration of the Lord. I had a good time. I will
ever cherish these memories of blessings and inspiration. Assuring you of my
prayerful support and I humbly seek your powerful prayers for me and for my
family. Thank you for the wonderful hospitality. I can still write so much but
then I am sure my words cannot exhaust what I wish to tell you.
God at all times...
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